History of National Qualifications Framework

All that must be known about National Structures of Qualifications

National Structure of Qualifications (National Qualifications Framework) is the system of attestation of work experience and knowledge, presented in the format of rotary press on the levels of the personal qualifying rating.

The system, as product, is developed in Great Britain and was first utilized in England, Scotland and Ireland. Exist two on principle different models – «business-oriented», related to Copenhagen Convention (Estimation of professional jurisdictions: this model is acknowledged optimum for the countries of the CIS with the economy of «transitional period»), and «oriented to the level of education» and related to Bologna convention (In 1999 country of EES agreed about creation of «single educational space», and this agreement was fixed as Bologna declaration in obedience to which to 2010 all of Western Europe must have the single system of higher school.

A Bologna agreement was signed by 33 from 45 countries of Europe. Russia joined in with Bologna Convention).

The first model of the system of National Qualifications Framework in Great Britain is eight levels educations on which qualifying examinations surrender competitors, depending on the result of which, appropriated the proper degrees.

Basic advantage of the system is the personal motivation of competitors at passing of qualifying examinations to get a maximally high result on which a professional career and reputation depends directly.

On the got qualifying degree future position and wage level depends straight.

Success of the system of NQF allowed to export it in other countries – at first to New Zealand, Australia and Canada, afterwards in the row of the European states. In 2006 European Commission sent recommendation in European Parliament with suggestion about creation of European Structure of Qualifications (European Qualifications Framework). After a year the program got approval and realized presently.

European Qualifications Framework

All that must be known about National Structure of Qualifications in Europe

European Qualifications Framework is the international system of estimation of quality of qualification and knowledge. Today Europe runs into calls at becoming of the high-quality advanced economy, based exceptionally on professional knowledge. National Qualifications Framework has two basic goals: first is creation and maintenance of level of qualifying professional standards between the countries of Europe and second is organization and providing of countries of European Union by the professional educational programs, with the subsequent grant of the best workplaces and possibilities of quarry growth the most skilled specialists, in any of countries, included in National Qualifications Framework.

In the kernel of National Qualifications Framework there are eight levels, engulfing basic and most claimed qualification. Those requirements are foreseen to knowledge which a man understands and able to realize, regardless of the system which his qualification was purchased in.

National Qualifications Framework displaces a spotlight from a term studies and educational establishment, where qualification was got, to directly, to quality of professional knowledge and possibilities of their practical application.

It supports a natural competition between educational establishments in terms and necessities of labor market (receipt of knowledge, skills, and jurisdictions), it increases meaningfulness of self-education and practical experience, it facilitates moving of skilled specialists on different countries for life and work in them.

Political agreement, attained in European Parliament follows by three years of intensive preparation, in the near collaboration of the European states. National Qualifications Framework already influences on development of National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in many states – members of European Union, where NQF are part of more wide process of national reforms. Most countries develop National Qualifications Framework now. European Commission supports this process also, consolidating projects, connecting the groups of countries and sectors, checking implementation of the program National Qualifications Framework. This process allows comparing the levels of qualification of personnel of different countries, different education and different departmental teaching.

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All that must be known about National Structure of Qualifications

In 2007 European Economic Committee, uniting international financial institutes and expert organizations, carrying out the social and investment programs, including on space of the BRICS and CIS, supported the projects of creation of National Structures of Qualifications in a number of countries, including BRICS.
A primary purpose of such projects is a decision of problem of estimation of quality of qualification of personnel, through creation of the own attestation systems and rotary levels of professional qualifications.
Collaboration of European Economic Committee and row of BRICS expert organizations among which official provider of the program – Mediterranean Educational Centre, successfully develops from 2006. The result of collaboration was become by creation by the four-modules to twelve levels model of National Qualifications Framework BRICS.
Since 2008, the managers of the Russian companies can hand over qualifying examinations in the system of EU-NQF-BRICS on the receipt of qualifying degrees and Certificates of accordance on eleven specializations. 
A very important value has that National Structure of Qualifications in Russia is the program of estimation of quality of qualification of managers of the Russian companies and enterprises, with possibility of bringing of this information in the ratings indexes of general estimation of investment attractiveness of companies and including them in the realized international investment programs.
The purpose of the program is a prospect of entry of Russia in Worldwide Auction Organization.
International financial institutes and investment groups are interested in creation of priority today index of trust to business – index of quality of qualification and jurisdictions of managerial staff of companies. 
Through creation of model of National Structure of Qualifications in Russia the problem of becoming and development of the BRICS economy from point of bringing in of foreign investment capital can get a new decision.

Specialties, levels of rotary press and estimation of qualifications by National Structure of Qualifications

The Russian model of National Structure of Qualifications of EU-NQF-BRICS is created expert advice of Mediterranean Educational Centre, the leaders of professional of a particular branch segments, representatives of business, industry, system of education, organizations of state administration, entered in which.
As balance of the two-year work of expert advice, the four-modules is created to thirteen level system of estimation of quality of qualification of managers of the Russian companies and enterprises, with the nominal certification of the attested personnel and introduction  of nominal certification certificates.
Carefully worked out and complete system of the basic requirements to knowledge and practical abilities, to claim in professional activity of managers of the Russian and European companies, the single system of requirements is created to practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Thus, the successful handing over of qualifying examination in the structure of EU-NQF-BRICS is a practical guarantee of confirmation of professional jurisdictions of specialist and possibilities of application of his experience and knowledge in international projects
The European economic committee, being a program counsel, confirmed the practical method (official program) of calculation of rating of investment attractiveness of companies and enterprises also, based on the estimations of quality of qualification of managerial staff, with the corporate certification of legal entities, having in the state no less than fifty percents of the certificated specialists of administrative link and by introduction of corporate certification certificates.

Professional Expert Master Specialist
% index of right answers of attestation task, necessary for the receipt of next levels the competitor of degree National Qualifications Framework Russia
Specialization Level A Level B Level C Level A Level B Level C Level A Level B Level C Level A Level B Level C
Financial Management 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Corporate Governance 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Human Resources 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Legal Support of Business 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Foreign Trade Activities 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Marketing 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Information Technologies 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
The Art of Interior Design 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Innovations Management 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Chief Digital Officer 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Fashion, Marketing 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Logistic 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Advertising Activities & Technologies 100 99-97 96-95 94-88 87-78 77-70 69-63 62-57 56-51 50-41 40-31 30-25
Corporate Safety & Security 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Mediation 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Chief Executive Officer 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30
Chief Digital Officer 100 99 98 97-91 90-81 80-75 74-65 64-58 57-51 50-45 44-40 39-30

Passing of attestation in the system of National Qualifications Framework in BRICS

Every competitor, persons interested to pass attestation on the program EU-NQF-BRICS and get qualifying Certificate, confirmative the level of own professional knowledge, can get sending to the certification in Consulting Center of political researches at President of Russian Federation - official partner of the program from the side of Russian Federation.
After registration of direction and signing of Agreement, a competitor gets courier's mail an attestation task on one of twelve specializations. On the decision of attestation task (from 25 to 50 questions of different degree of complication will be offered) taken no less than 24 and no more than 48 hours, for expiration of which, the filled attestation form with answers refers courier's mail in Attestation Center ES.
During 15 calendar days an attestation task will be tested in the checking of EU-NQF-BRICS system will get the estimation of Attestation Committee of the program National Qualifications Framework, whereupon, on the address of competitor of courier's post* indicated in a request Certificate of one of four rotary degrees (Professional, Expert, Master, Specialist) will be deported, confirmative the level of professional jurisdictions.  If a competitor correctly answers on the insufficient amount of questions for the receipt of rotary degree, he gets Certificate of Participant of the program EU-NQF-BRICS. 
Three degrees of defense, hologram, and seal of the program of certification of European Economic Committee, have every Certificate.
The names of possessors of nominal Certificates are added to the electronic database and accessible in the system of search on the official sites of the program in the Internet.

* All of postal charges are plugged in registration collection
** You can get all of necessary documents in an office any of administrative partners of the program on territory of Russian Federation.

Regulation of passing of corporate certification on the program «EU-NQF»

The program of calculation of rating of investment attractiveness of companies as evaluated by quality of qualification of managerial staff is carried out the official Rating agency on the basis of original method, ratified European Economic Committee, as an official product of the system of EU-NQF-BRICS. 
Any legal entity, registered on territory of Russian Federation and having in the state no less than fifty percents of managerial staff, certificated on the program «EU-NQF-R», can participate in the program
For registration of legal entity as a participant of the program, it is necessary to fill Registration form* and sign Agreement* of participant, accessible on an official site programs in the Internet: http://ncsu.ru
A registration form contains information at companies, necessary for implementation of calculations on an original method.
During 30 calendar days, after processing of all necessary documents, a legal entity is got by a formal notice about the appropriation of rating estimation.  On the address indicated in Contract, courier's post*, a legal entity is got by Certificate of the program «NQF-EU-R», confirmative a rating investment index. 
The certificate of standard of EU-NQF has a seal and hologram.
Ratings information and presentations of rating companies-participants is published on the official site of the program in the Internet and spread through the networks of agencies of news – official partners of the program.
In the case of change of rating index, as a result of additional certification of employees, a legal entity is got by new Certificate, with making alteration in databases European Economic Committee and informative portals of the program.

* All of postal charges are plugged in registration collection
** You can get all of necessary documents in an office any of administrative partners of the program on territory of Russian Federation.

Prospect of realization of National Qualifications Framework the Skilled personnel is strong companies – strong state

A National Qualifications Framework is the most optimum and effective for today instrument of monitoring of quality of qualification of personnel of the Russian companies and industrial enterprises.
A program mission is monitoring of the state of the Russian economy from point of quality of professional knowledges and level of qualification of managerial staff of the Russian companies and enterprises, for effective integration of Russia in a world economic association.
A program purpose is creation of effective model of estimation of professional requirements to administrative jurisdictions, for application of this model in the system of business oriented at drafting of curricula in national schools of business.
Program tasks are support of Russian business, bringing in of attention of the Russian and international financial institutes to the domestic companies and enterprises with a skilled managerial staff, for creation and update of their financial base, for financing offered by them investment projects.
It is possible to assert that the future – after those managers and developers, which are able to understand meaningfulness of own professional qualification, explain itself on permanent perfection of knowledge and jurisdictions, and in fact skilled personnel in companies is a mortgage of economic success of not only companies but also state.
A period of realization is business - to the oriented model of National Structure of Qualifications, with the use of the operating rotary system of «EU-NQF-R» counted on 2008 – 2010.

For this time conducting of row of public measures is planned for its discussion are conferences, forums, round, which will be organized with participation of industrial enterprises, business corporations, financial corporations, organizations of state administration and system of education, international investment funds, table.
For participants the programs will be organized internship on the leading enterprises of Europe, Asia and North America. 
The process of realization of the program will light up in the Russian and foreign mass medias.

Rating of investment attractiveness

Rating of investment attractiveness of the BRICS companies
As evaluated by quality of qualification of the attested personnel

Method of calculation of indexes «intangible assets of corporation» created in a period from 2005 to 2020, as a EEC product and Global Media Group, (US) Research.

In 2008 a method was ratified by European Economic Committee, as an official product of «Program of investment attractiveness rating calculation of investment attractiveness of companies and enterprises, as evaluated by quality of qualification of managerial staff» passed in the Rating agency «Global Media Group» (RUS).

Realization of the program on territory of Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of ratified on March, 14, 2008 Multilateral General Agreement in which entered: A program task is a publication of ratings information in the specialized editions and in the networks of world agencies of news. Ratings, news and program statistics are accessible on official sites in the Internet

Must become the planned result of realization of the program circumstance that the Russian companies will be got by possibilities of bringing in of the investment forming from abroad and will open the new prospects of international partnership, and the Russian specialists – will promote the personal capitalization at the market of labor and will get professional prospects.